If you have not registered for your Personal Finance Portal or do not know how to use it, please contact us immediately. To access the Portal simply visit our website.
For security reasons we would expect all clients to communicate with us through your Personal Finance Portal. We will now only ever send secure/sensitive information this way for example documents such as Financial Planning Reports, Annual Review Reports and Tax Reports.
Your Portal provides real-time valuations to your pension/investment plans and allows you to manually update your Bank Accounts/Deposits or NS&I plans. Another great feature is the ability for you to upload your documents to the portal and share them with us, which will automatically update our back-office systems. This is useful at review when we need HMRC correspondence, P60s, payslips, income/expenditure/assets/liabilities spreadsheets or other personal data.

Your Portal provides real-time valuations to your pension/investment plans and allows you to manually update your Bank Accounts/Deposits or NS&I plans. Another great feature is the ability for you to upload your documents to the portal and share them with us, which will automatically update our back-office systems. This is useful at review when we need HMRC correspondence, P60s, payslips, income/expenditure/assets/liabilities spreadsheets or other personal data.
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