David entered the industry in 1987 whilst still a student and has since worked for a number of financial services firms in both the West Midlands and in Norfolk as an administrator and as an adviser. He has Pension Transfer Specialist qualifications and has a high degree of technical knowledge, particularly in the field of pensions, specialising in complex pension cases. He prides himself on being able to design the right solution for a client quickly and efficiently. He is well qualified in all areas of financial services and holds the Certificate in Discretionary Investment Management from the CII. He is working to achieve Chartered status shortly.
Away from work, he enjoys scuba diving and has dived many of the world's best dive sites, personal favourites being the wrecks of the German First World War fleet in Scapa Flow, in the Orkney Islands and of the Thistlegorm in the Egyptian Red Sea, and diving with the seals at the Farne Islands, in Northumberland. He also enjoys most other water sports, particularly kayaking and sailing.