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Showing posts from January, 2020

Accessing you Pension – So, what are your options?

If you are 55 or over and have a defined contribution (money purchase) pension plan, you can: Leave your pension pot invested Buy a guaranteed income for life  Take a flexible income from your pension pot Take a cash lump sum from your pension pot Combine one or more of the options above. You can take cash and/or income at different times to suit your needs. You may be able to access your pot earlier than age 55 if you're unable to continue working because of ill health. It's important to remember that with some options, once you've chosen them, you can't change your mind later. Shopping around Allen Tomas & Co can obtain illustrations on the most suitable annuity plan to suit your circumstances, we will always take into account your health in order to potentially enhance the annuity rate. It's always worth checking what's available in the wider market as you may get a better deal than the one offered by your existing pension provider. Trans...